Performance Test
Moisture Present In Refrigeration System.:
Insufficient Refrigerant.:
Poor Recirculation Of Refrigerant.:
Refrigerant Does Not Circulate.:
Refrigerant Overcharge Or Insufficient Cooling Of Condenser.:
Air Present In Refrigeration System.:
Expansion Valve Improperly Mounted/Heat Sensing Tube Defective.:
Defective Compression Compressor.:
1. Connect manifold gauge set as follows:
a. Connect charging hoses to manifold gauge set.
b. Connect quick connectors to charging hoses.
c. Close both hand valves of manifold gauge set.
d. Remove caps from service valves on refrigerant line.
e. Connect quick connectors to service valves.
2. Read manifold gauge pressure when the following conditions are established:
a. Temperature at air inlet with the switch set at RECIRC is 86-95°F.
b. Engine running at 1,500 RPM .
c. Blower speed control switch set at high.
d. Temperature control set at MAX COOL.
3. For a normally functioning refrigeration system, the gauge reading should be 21-35 psi for the low pressure side, and 198-228 psi for the high pressure side.
4. Refer to Figs. 3 through 10 for problems that may cause abnormal gauge readings.