Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Disassembly and Assembly


1. Remove oil seal and inner bearing.
a. Using Special Service Tool (SST) 09308-00010 or equivalent, remove the oil seal.
b. Remove the inner bearing.
2. Remove outer races.
Using a brass bar and hammer, remove the 2 outer races.


1. Install new bearing outer races.
a. Inside:
Using SST 09950-60010 (09951-00460), 09950-70010 (09951-07150) and a press, install new bearing outer race.
b. Outside:
Using SST 09550-10012 (09552-10010, 09553-10010) and a press, install new bearing outer race.

2. Pack bearings with grease.
a. Prepare Multipurpose (MP) grease in the palm of your hand.
b. Pack grease into the bearing, continuing until the grease oozes out from the other side.
c. Do the same around the bearing circumference.
3. Install oil seal.
a. Pack the inside of the axle hub and grease cap with MP grease, as shown in the illustration.
b. Install the inner bearing.

c. Using SST 09550-10012 (09552-10010, 09557-10010) and a hammer, install a new oil seal.
d. Coat the oil seal lip with MP grease.