Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



DTC Detection Condition:

The mass air flow meter uses a platinum hot wire. The hot wire air flow meter consists of a platinum hot wire, thermistor and a control circuit installed in a plastic housing. The hot wire air flow meter works on the principle that the hot wire and thermistor located in the intake air bypass of the housing detect any changes in the intake air temperature.

The hot wire is maintained at the set temperature by controlling the current flow through the hot wire. This current flow is ten measured as the output voltage of the mass air flow meter.

The circuit is constructed so that the platinum hot wire and thermistor provide a bridge circuit with the power transistor controlled so that the potential of A and B remains equal to maintain the set temperature.

Step 1:


HINT: Read freeze frame data using TOYOTA hand-held tester or OBD II scan tool, as freeze frame data records the engine conditions when a malfunction is detected. When troubleshooting, it is useful for determining whether the vehicle was running or stopped, the engine was warmed up or not, the air-fuel ratio was lean or rich, etc. at the time of the malfunction.