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Body - Plastic Bumper Refinishing






When it is necessary to replace a damaged plastic bumper, proper consideration should be given to preparation and refinishing to ensure high quality, long-term durability, and customer satisfaction. While it is important to follow paint manufacturer recommendations for application of refinish materials, this bulletin provides Toyota recommended procedures for cleaning and preparation of original equipment (OE) raw plastic bumpers.


Toyota bumper covers are manufactured using several types of plastic however, cleaning and preparation procedures outlined here are applicable to all Toyota, Lexus, and Scion raw plastic OE bumpers.

Soap-base mold release agent replaced the wax-base type beginning in 1995 to reduce volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions produced by the use of cleaning solvents. This topic is covered in Collision Repair Information Bulletin (CRIB) #69. Thorough cleaning with recommended soap and water removes soap-base mold release agent.

Cleaning and Preparation:

^ Wash new part thoroughly inside and out with a hot water and ph neutral wax-free carwash soap solution. Rinse well and dry with clean towels.

Cleaning and Preparation, Continued-

^ Clean exterior surface and all edges thoroughly with paint manufacturer recommended plastic parts cleaner or water-base wax and grease remover, or a 1-1 mixture of isopropyl alcohol and deionized water.

^ Scuff exterior surface and all edges with a medium to fine scuff pad (as recommended by paint manufacturer), with sanding paste and clean water. Repeat wash sequence, rinse well and dry with clean towels.

^ Examine the bumper closely, especially hard to reach areas. Re-scuff any areas that do not appear to have been scuffed sufficiently. Repeat wash- rinse-dry sequence.

^ Make final surface inspection and clean with paint manufacturer recommended cleaner or a 1-1 mixture of isopropyl alcohol and deionized water.

^ Apply anti-static measures.

^ Apply adhesion promoter per paint manufacturer7s recommendations.

^ Apply primer and topcoats per paint manufacturer7s recommendations.

Toyota recommends the use of adhesion promoter and elastifier for all OE raw plastic bumpers to ensure adhesion, flexibility, and long-term durability of topcoats; and the use of refinish materials that meet or exceed the Toyota new vehicle limited paint finish warranty.

Toyota, Lexus and Scion bumpers are primarily made from TSOP (Toyota Super Olefin Polymer). This type of plastic requires the use of adhesion promoters. However, the application of adhesion promoters on earlier model bumpers made from PP/TPU (Polypropylene/Thermoplastic Urethane) and PUR (Polyurethane) is also recommended.