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Reading and Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes


1. CHECK DTC (When Using Techstream)

(a) Check the DTCs.

(1) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(2) Turn the ignition switch ON.

(3) Read the DTCs by following the prompts on the tester screen.

Refer to the Techstream operator's manual for further details.

2. CLEAR DTC (When Using Techstream)

(a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3.

(b) Turn the ignition switch ON.

(c) Operate the Techstream to clear the codes.

Refer to the Techstream operator's manual for further details.

3. CHECK DTC (When not Using Techstream)

(a) Check the DTCs.

(1) Using the SST, connect terminals TC (13) and CG (4) of the DLC3

SST : 09843-18040

(2) Turn the ignition switch ON.

(3) Read DTCs from the 4WD indicator light ON the combination meter.

* If the 4WD indicator light does not blink, perform relevant troubleshooting procedures. The relevant troubleshooting procedures are in the sections listed in the table below.
* If more than 1 DTC is detected at the same time, the DTCs will be displayed in numerical order.
* As an example, the blinking patterns of the normal system code and DTCs 11 and 21 are shown below.
* DTCs are explained in "DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART" Active Torque Control 4WD System.

4. CLEAR DTC (When not Using Techstream)

(a) Using SST, connect terminals 13 (TC) and 4 (CG) of the DLC3.

SST : 09843-18040

(b) Turn the ignition switch ON.

(c) Clear the DTCs stored in the 4WD control ECU by depressing the brake pedal 8 times or more within 5 seconds.

(d) Check that the warning light blinks in the normal system code pattern.

(e) Remove SST from the terminals of the DLC3.

(f) Turn the ignition switch off.

DTCs cannot be cleared by disconnecting the cable from the negative (-) battery terminal or removing the ECU-IG1 fuse.