Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Rear Hatch - Rattles





87-02 September 30, 1987


Golf, all m.y.

Rear hatch rattles

Rear hatch rattles may be caused by insufficient clearance between the latch mechanism and head of the striker pin.. The dimension between the top of the latch pivot and bottom of the striker pin head must be 1 - 2 mm.
To check dimension:

^ Apply a thin coating of machinists dye or similar substance to striker pin.

^ Close and then reopen the rear hatch. The latch pivot should scratch dye from contact area, on the striker pin.

^ Measure the dimension from the top of the contact area to bottom of striker pin head:
must be 1 - 2 mm.

If less:

^ Remove striker pin assembly.

^ Raise striker pin assembly by adding shim washers underneath to obtain proper dimension. Re-install striker pin assembly with washers.

^ Clean dye from striker pin.