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Engine - Gasoline Additive Removes Carbon Deposits

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Engine Performance

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Key Points

Gasoline additive removes carbon deposits



December 6, 1985
Excessive carbon deposits reduce engine performance by:

- idle hunting (idle speed goes up and down)

- poor hot or cold starting (starter cranking takes longer)

- engine run-on (dieseling)

- pinging during full throttle acceleration

To help clean out carbon deposits and minimize future carbon build-up:

- make sure that ignition and fuel systems are adjusted to specifications.

- add one (1) 20 oz. bottle "Autobahn Gasoline Additive" to fuel tank.. Fill fuel tank completely. Do not refill fuel tank until the gauge reads "1/4".

- recommend to customer to use only gasoline with a detergent additive package. Information about fuel composition is available from any gas station or the station's fuel supplier

Do not exceed this recommendation:

Oil change Max. Treatments
interval between oil
Miles changes
5,000 2
7,500 4

"Autobahn Gasoline Additive" has been tested by Volkswagen and has been found to be effective in reducing carbon deposits resulting from fuel and lubricating oil residue. This additive works best with unleaded gasoline but may also be used for vehicles operated on leaded fuel. It is supplied by VWoA under Part No. ZVW 246 001.


Read product label for additional information and read all caution and warning notices.

Additives are not considered for reimbursement as part of a warranty repair.