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Rear Tires - Abnormal Wear

Group: 42

Number: 96-01

Date: Apr. 16, 1996

Rear Tire Wear

Golf, GTI, Jetta, Jetta GLX, Cabrio, Corrado, Passat All

Supersedes T.B. Group 42 Number 94-01 dated Aug. 1, 1994


Abnormal tire wear on rear wheels.


- Verify tire wear (cupping or feather edging).

- Check rear wheel alignment (see Group 44 of the appropriate Repair Manual for calculating total toe).

Rear tire wear may be caused by too much positive toe on the rear axle.

A specially machined stub axle can be installed to decrease positive toe.

This stub axle must only be installed on the left rear. This will change total toe on the rear axle by minus 10 minutes.

The specially machined stub axle can compound tire wear if installed on a vehicle with a negative total toe on the rear axle.

ALL installations of the specially machined stub axle must first be authorized by the OTS.

Part numbers are for reference only. Always check with your Parts Dept. for the latest parts in formation.

When procedure applies to vehicles within warranty use the following:

Part Identifier: 4233
Labor Operation: 4233110