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Work Procedure, Time Allowance, Coolant Disposal

Work Procedure

All vehicles are to be repaired in accordance with the details outlined in the enclosed work procedure booklet. Please make sure that your technicians closely follow the steps and sequences outlined in the procedure.

Time Allowance

The time necessary to replace the heat exchanger in accordance with the outlined work procedure is 230 T.U.


See additional Campaign Data Entry Procedure.

Coolant Disposal

The coolant drained during the heat exchanger replacement repair requires proper storage and disposal. To store and dispose of the coolant waste material, follow your state or local storage and disposal requirements.

Volkswagen United States, Inc. will reimburse you for the cost of disposing the coolant waste material. Please request reimbursement after the disposal of a full container of coolant fluid as follows:

Warranty Claim Type: WS
Part Identifier 802366001

You may claim the cost of disposal of the waste material in sublet labor. VWUS will require full claim documentation supporting your claimed cost in relationship to your SD recall campaign claim volume.

If you have questions concerning the above subject, please contact your Product Support Specialist.

Customer Request for Reimbursement

Should the customer inquire about possible reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred for previous repair to the heat exchanger, please instruct the customer to write to Volkswagen of America, Inc.,
Attention: Customer Relations 2F02.