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Warranty - Cavity and Underbody Preservation: Overview


TSB # W42-70-1-004



Commencing with the 1985 model year, all Audi and Volkswagen products are warrantied against corrosion perforation for a period of 6 and 3 years respectively.

Within the following pages, you will find the instructions on how, what and where you should apply the recommended material to safely protect the vehicle after any body or service repair work has been performed.

The Anti-Rust compound (VW Part# ZVW 235 001) is a mixture of wax and white spirit base. The system can effectively prevent the development of rust on metal surfaces and inhibit further rusting on surfaces already affected by rust. The wax serves to physically block oxidation on the metal surface while the white spirit base surfacant readily forms a chemical bond at the metal surface and acts as an outer skin on the metal. The capillary action of the material further allows the compound to penetrate into weld joints and corners where oxidation begins thus simulating the effects of wax flooding experienced in production.