Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Flat Towing

Flat towing

Vehicles with automatic transmissions may be towed forward (in driving direction) at speeds up to 30 mph for a maximum of 30 miles.

CAUTION: Towing vehicies at more than 30 mph and/or for distances greater than 30 miles with front wheels on ground will damage automatic transmission due to lack of lubrication.

If towing speed will be greater than 30 mph or distances greater than 30 miles, temporary modifications to vehicle are required as follows.

Work sequence
- remove drive shaft assembilies
- remove outer CV joints from drive shaft assembilies
- install outer CV joints in wheel bearing housing and secure hub with nut (suitable bolt. 2 washers and nut may also be used)
- install outer CV joint boot
- seal boot small opening against water and dirt
- wrap drive shafts and store in vehicle

Manual transmission
There are no restrictions on speed or distarice when towing manual transmission cars behind other vehicles.

Towing Eye, Front:

Towing Eye, Rear:

CAUTION: Greater force must be applied to brake pedal when engine is not running. The brake booster works only while engine is running.