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Reactivating Radio After Power Disconnect

- Power to radio has been interrupted.
- Radio does not work.

- Radio displays "SAFE" when switched ON.

Work Sequence
- Switch radio ON.
- Push and hold AM/FM selector button down and then push and hold SCAN button until the display changes as shown.

- The two displays will appear one after the other.
- After blank display appears release AM/FM and SCAN buttons.
- Enter code OR personal code by pushing station selector buttons 1,2.3,4.

- For example:
To enter factory code number "1111" push each button one time.

Note: The first number of any code will always be 1 no matter how many times you push station selector button.

To Enter Personal Code: (Example 1987)
- Push button number 1 once.
- Push button number 2 nine times.
- Push button number 3 eight times.
- Push button number 4 seven times.
Display now shows "1 9 8 7".
- Push and hold AM/FM selector button down and then push and hold SCAN button.
- Hold buttons down until the display changes to the frequency of the last station played.
- Release buttons.
- Radio now works and is still coded.