Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

With Rear Drum Brakes

Parking Brake (Drum Brakes) - Adjusting Parking Brake

Adjusting the parking brake should only be necessary if the cable is replaced. Failure of the brake to hold the car most likely indicates worn brake shoes or a faulty self-adjusting mechanism. Check to see that the parking brake functions properly whenever the cables have been detached for rear brake service.

To adjust:
1. Raise the rear of the car and support it securely on jack stands.
2. With the parking brake fully released, firmly apply the brakes one time.
3. Move the parking brake lever to the second detent (second click) from the bottom.
4. Loosen the locknuts and tighten the adjusting nuts by equal amounts just until neither rear wheel can be rotated by hand.
5. Check that when the parking brake is fully released, both rear wheels rotate freely. Readjust if necessary.
6. Tighten the locknuts.