Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Measurement Specifications

Connectind Rod Radial Clearance [1]:
Wear limit 0.12 mm (0.0047 in.)
Connecting Rod Axial Clearance [2]:
Wear limit 0.37 mm (0.0145 in.)
Checking Torque 30 Nm (22 ft lb)
Assembly Torque 30 Nm (22 ft lb) plus 1/4 turn (90°)

[1]: When checking radial clearance, lubricate the contact surtace of the nut or bolt before tightening. When checking connecting rod radial clearance, tighten the nut or bolt only to 30 Nm (22 ft lb) and not the additional 1/4 turn.
[2]: If connecting rod radial clearance is excessive, the crankshaft connecting rod journals should be checked. If the crankshaft journal diameters are within specifications, recheck radial clearance using new bearing shells.