Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Technician Safety Information


- Never work under a lifted car unless it is solidly supported on stands designed for their purpose. Do not support a car on cinder blocks, hollow tiles, or other props that may crumble under continuous load. Do not work under a car that is supported alone by a jack.

- If you are going to work under a car on the ground, make sure that the ground is level. Block the wheels to keep the car from rolling. Disconnect the battery ground strap to prevent others from starting the car while you are under it.

- Catch draining fuel, oil, or brake fluid in suitable containers. Do not use food or beverage containers that might mislead someone into drinking from them. Store flammable fluids away from fire hazards. Wipe up spills at once, but do not store the oily rags, which can ignite and burn spontaneously.

- The battery vent drain tube at the right side of the engine compartment may contain battery electrolyte.

- Battery electrolyte contains sulfuric acid. Avoid contact with the drain tube or battery electrolyte.