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Engine Control Harness Connector Terminals - Replacing

Group: 97

Number: 93-02

Date: November 22, 1993

Harness connector terminals, replacing with gold-plated terminals

From 1990 m.y.

Supersedes all previously published information regarding changing of gold-plated connector terminals.


Engine Management components such as Knock Sensors (KS), Throttle Position (TP) Sensors, Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensors, and EGR Temperature Sensors available through the Parts Department now have gold-plated connector terminals. When these components are used in the vehicle, the mating harness connector terminals must also be gold-plated.


When repairing a connection to an engine management system component or when replacing such a component, examine the mating connector terminals for corrosion/damage and ensure the terminals are made of the same material.

If the component has gold-plated terminals but the mating harness doesn't, replace the mating harness connector terminals with gold-plated terminals.

If the mating harness has gold-plated terminals but the components doesn't, replace the component.

Always clean terminals prior to mating of connectors.


When replacing harness connector terminals with gold-plated terminals, do not replace the component if it already has gold-plated connector terminals and there is no visible terminal corrosion/damage.