Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

General Information

October 1993

Recall Campaigns SC and RZ - Revision

Dear Volkswagen Service Manager:

Together with the SC Recall Circular dated May 1993, you received a SB/SC Work Procedure booklet which outlined a comprehensive step-by-step component check and replacement program.

New information received from the factory necessitates minor changes to the SC Circular and, moreover, to some of the steps in the work procedure. In line with this revision, we will now commence the notification mailing to owners who have not yet had the SB/SC recalls completed. These notification letters will be mailed within the next few days.

For your convenience, the revisions in the enclosed revised Work Procedure booklet are as follows:

Page 11:
Elimination of the replacement of components with gold connectors after a gold/tin combination is identified.

Page 12:
Minor change to text.

Page 13:
New vacuum hose, part number N 020 353 5, which replaces previous vacuum hose, part number N 020 291 1.

Page 15:
Minor vacuum reading change.

Page 18:
Elimination of checking/replacing the Transmission Control Module (TCM) on 1990/91 model year vehicles equipped with push button ECO switch.

Page 24:
Reducing spacer to ensure a proper fit of the new shift lever handle.

The enclosed revised Work Procedure booklet is identified as "2nd Edition" and is printed with blue cover pages. Please use only this revised work procedure for all future repairs and ensure that the previously issued SC circulars and work procedure booklets are discarded.

Additionally, we have enclosed a revised RZ Circular. The revision in this circular also entails the elimination of checking/replacing the Transmission Control Module (TCM) on 1990/91 model year vehicles equipped with push button ECO switch.