Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Time Allowance / Reimbursement

Campaign Data Entry Procedure

Reimbursement Codes:

RU 11 Check track control arms; no repl. nec. 25 T.U.

RU 12 Replace one (1) track control arm 180 T.U.

RU 13 Replace two (2) track control arms 220 T.U.

The system automatically supplies the part number, including price and labor applicable to the individual reimbursement code.

To update a record for a vehicle with no repair performed but relevant information available:

RU 20 Customer Refused Repairs

RU 30 Total Loss

RU 40 Vehicle Stolen

RU 50 Vehicle Left Continental US

RU 60 Customer Moved-No Forwarding Address

RU 70 Vehicle Sold-New Owner Unknown