Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Campaign - Engine Component Update


October 1997

1997 Model Passat TDI Engine Component Update

Dear Volkswagen Dealer:

This is to inform you of a service action program to update some engine components in 1997 model Volkswagen Passat TDI vehicles to the latest production technology. The vehicles affected are within the following vehicle identification number range:

Please note that the above VINS represent the lowest and highest serial numbers of affected vehicles. Use of the V-Crest campaign inquiry system will allow you to determine whether or not a particular vehicle, within the above VIN range, requires the corrective work.

NOTE: Volkswagen of America, Inc. will not reimburse under this service action any duplicate repair work or a repair outside the VIN range.

Model Numbers
3A_ _Y_


This update program is intended to eliminate the possibility that the MIL light illuminates as the result of fault code "DTC 00560"

Remedial Action

Install a new intake manifold including a new engine control module (ECM).

Owner Notification Mailing/Work Schedule

Because the problem is likely to occur only rarely, we do not plan to notify owners. We do not expect the engine performance to be significantly affected.

Due to an initially limited supply of replacement parts, repairs should be performed with the following priorities:

First Priority

Vehicles with a customer complaint and inventory vehicles scheduled for retail delivery.

Second Priority

Vehicles brought to your dealership by the owner for regular repair or maintenance service.

Program Verification

It is important that you check your V-Crest system for the "open" TV Action code prior to performing any work to ensure that the vehicle is affected by this action. We will not reimburse you for any update work on a vehicle which is not affected by this action.

Parts Supply

The following parts are required for this updating program of which an initial supply will automatically be shipped to you according to your vehicle allocation

Additional required parts must be ordered by you from your respective parts depot.

Please do not over-order any of these parts; you may be required to return excess inventory.

Work Procedure

A. Intake Manifold Replacement

^ Open hood and remove engine cover

^ Disconnect pressure pipe to intake manifold and move aside (do not disconnect vacuum line)

^ Disconnect and remove pressure pipe (metal air pipe) from the turbocharger

^ Disconnect the vacuum line leading to the EGR valve

^ Disconnect and remove the flexible air hose from the mass air flow sensor

^ Remove the bolt from the air intake hose (to turbocharger) bracket on the side of the intake manifold

^ Disconnect pipes (convoluted) from each end of the EGR cooler; DO NOT disconnect at exhaust manifold

^ Disconnect the EGR cooler from the intake manifold and move the EGR cooler rearward.

NOTE: Do not disconnect any coolant lines.

^ Remove the intake manifold with convoluted pipe attached

^ Remove the convoluted pipe and stud from the intake manifold and install on the replacement intake manifold, P/N 028 129 711T, using new gasket, P/N 069 131 547 D, and torque convoluted pipe bolts to 25 Nm (18 ft lbs.)

^ Install replacement intake manifold with new gasket, P/N 028 129 717 D, (beading towards intake manifold) and torque bolts to 25 Nm (18 ft lbs.)

^ Reinstall the EGR cooler to the intake manifold and torque bolts to 10 Nm (7 ft lbs.)

^ Connect the pipes (convoluted) to each end of the EGR cooler using new gaskets, P/N 028 131 547 C, and torque bolts to 25 Nm (18 ft lbs)

NOTE: Tighten all bolts finger tight (parts free to move slightly) then tighten stress free.

^ Reinstall all other components in reverse order of disassembly

B. Engine Control Module (ECM) Replacement

^ Remove the weather strip on the top edge of the plenum panel

^ Remove water plenum cover by turning (3) clips

^ Remove the air temperature sensor including bracket

^ Remove the pollen filter and plastic tray

^ Disconnect the vacuum hose to the ECM

^ Disconnect the wire harness connector on the ECM

^ Remove ECM from the vehicle

^ On replacement ECM, P/N 028 906 021 FA, with software code 1453, attach the provided felt strip to corner of ECM closest to dash panel, (compare with removed unit) then install ECM

^ Reinstall all other removed components in reverse order

C. ECM Coding

^ Connect VAG 1551 (VAG 1552) Scan Tool

^ Switch ignition to "ON"

^ Press 0 and 1 buttons to select address word 01 "engine electronics"

^ Press 0 and 7 buttons to select Function 07 "Code ECM"

^ Enter the code number 00002

NOTE: Ensure that the code number entered corresponds to the code number displayed.

^ Switch ignition "OFF" then "ON"

NOTE: To activate the coding, switch the ignition OFF and then ON. If after entering the valid code, the ignition is not switched OFF and ON, the DTC "ECM incorrectly coded" will be stored in DTC memory and cannot be erased.

^ Press > Button

^ Press 0 and 6 buttons to select Function 06 "End data transfer"

^ Press Q button to enter input

^ Switch ignition to "OFF" and remove the VAG 1551/1552 Scan Tool

^ Test drive vehicle for satisfactory engine performance

Parts Return

All removed parts must be properly tagged and packed and returned in the original packaging to:

Wolverine Mailing, Inc.
1601 Clay
Detroit, MI 48211
ATTN: Depot (TV)

Replacement Time/

To ensure payment, be sure to enter the reimbursement data into the system only for VINS showing the TV code in the V-Crest system.

TV Data Entry Procedure

The system automatically enter the labor and part numbers applicable to the above listed reimbursement code.

For vehicles which, according to your information are unreachable, please enter into the system one of the codes indicated below, as applicable:

TV 20 Customer Refused Repairs

TV 30 Total Loss

TV 40 Vehicle Stolen

TV 50 Vehicle Left Continental U.S.

TV 60 Customer Moved - No Forwarding Address

TV 70 Vehicle Sold - New Owner Unknown

Service Help
if you have any questions regarding this action or any other service action, please contact me at (248) 340-4850 or

Gerald Lasky (248)340-4734
John von Hollen (248) 340-4858
Sheila Gailliard (248) 340-4855

Dealer Obligation

Dealers are to service each vehicle subject to this service action regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or selling dealer, from this time forward.

Dealer Personnel Information


Thank you for your cooperation.