Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

1ST to 3RD Gear Clutch (K1)

1 Supporting ring
- 4-piece, unclip from inner plate carrier
- Installing, refer to Fig. 2, below.
2 Inner plate carrier
- Inserting, refer to Fig. 4, below.
- Assembling, refer to Fig. 2, below.
3 Circlip
- Different thicknesses
- Mark after removing and install in same position
4 Thrust plate
- Smooth side faces inner plate
- Install together with inner plate carrier, refer to Fig. 2, below.
5 Inner plate
- Quantity, refer to Page 00-6
- Installing, refer to Fig. 2, below.
6 Outer plate
- Quantity. Application and ID
- Installing, refer to Fig. 2, below.
- Always 1.5 mm thick
7 Outer plate
- Always 2 mm thick
- Installing, refer to Fig. 2, below.
8 Corrugated washer
9 Circlip
- Removing and installing Fig. 1, below.
10 Piston cap
- Sealing lips are vulcanized to cap
- Moisten sealing lips with ATF before installing
- Turn cap slightly when installing
11 Intermediate spring ring
- With spring supporting shell and compression springs
12 Piston
- Sealing lips are vulcanized to piston
- Moisten sealing lips with ATF before installing
- Turn piston slightly when installing
13 Clutch housing
- Before installing the inner plate carrier corrugated washer (item 8), install inner and outer plates in the clutch, refer to Fig. 3


Fig. 1 Circlip, removing and installing
- Press piston cap with intermediate spring ring down far enough for circlip [arrow) to be inserted in groove.

Fig. 2 Thrust plate and plates, installing on inner plate carrier
- Install thrust plate -a- with smooth side facing inner plate and stepped side toward inner plate carrier.
- Install 3 inner plates -b- and 2 outer plates -c-.
- Clip in supporting ring with step (arrow).

^ Position locating lugs correctly.
^ Installing corrugated washer and further plates in clutch housing, refer to Fig. 3, below.

Fig. 3 Corrugated washer and inner and outer plates, installing in clutch housing
- Install corrugated washer.
- Install 2 mm thick outer plate.
- Install remaining inner and outer plates.

Fig. 4 Inner plate carrier and circlip (arrow) installing
- Lift inner plate carrier slightly to install circlip.