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A/C Coolant Fan Second Stage

A/C Coolant Fan Second Stage

- F129 A/C Pressure Switch
- J26 Coolant Fan Control Relay
- F18 Coolant Fan Control Thermoswitch
- J279 First Speed Coolant Fan Control Relay
- J280 Second Speed Coolant Fan Control Relay
- N39 Coolant Fan Control (FC) Series Resistance
- V7 Coolant Fan

When the manual A/C system is turned on, -J26- actuates First Speed (FC) Relay -J279- which actuates the Coolant Fan -V7- via -N39-. -J279- is also actuated by the coolant fan control thermoswitch -F18- if coolant temperatures reach between 92� and 97�C. Additionally, -F18- will actuate the Second Speed Coolant (FC) Relay -J280- if coolant temperatures reach between 99� and 105�C. Second Speed bypasses the Coolant Fan Series Resistor -N39- when actuating -V7-. For more specific temperature information on -F18-, consult the repair manual.

A/C Pressure Switch -F129- will actuate the Second Speed Coolant (FC) Relay -J280- when pressure increases in the refrigerant circuit, regardless of -F18-.