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Audio System - CD Player/Changer Display ERR Code 1

Group: 91

Number: 04-01

Date: Feb. 19, 2004

Compact Disc (CD) Player/Changer Displays ERR Codel

All w/CD Player/Changer 2000 --> 2004


CD player displays CD * ERR 1. Mainly occurs when a newly purchased disc fails to play after initial loading into the player. Failure to play after loading may be caused by small bumps or flashing around the center hole and the outside edge of the disc.


Do Not replace the CD player.

Remove bumps or flashing by using a plastic instrument around these areas. Do Not enlarge the center hole.

Additional tips on disc care and use

^ Fingerprints, dust or soil on the disc may cause skipping.

^ Do Not use a circular motion to clean a disc, clean from center of disc to outer edge using a lint free soft cloth.

^ Do Not write on disc or use adhesive labels.

^ Never attempt to play a cracked, warped, or damaged disc. This could severely damage the playback mechanism.

^ Hard Frost; During cold weather, if the inside of the vehicle is suddenly warmed, a condition known as "Hard Frost" can occur (when condensation forms on the pick up lens inside the CD player).

Condensation can cause the laser beam to diffract and may cause the CD player to generate an ERR code. During extreme cold temperatures, allow the CD player ample time to warm up prior to use.