Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Seat Belt Systems: Testing and Inspection

After every accident the seat belt system must be inspected systematically! If damage is found when inspected, customer must be informed regarding necessity of changing belts.

Check points:
- Check strap.
- Check inertia reel (locking effect).
- Visually check belt lock.
- Check belt lock function.
- Check belt guides and lock tongue.
- Check securing parts and anchorage points.
- Check lap belt automatic retractor.

NOTE: If customer refuses to have a damaged seat belt replaced appropriate note should be made.

Belt Webbing, Checking
- Pull belt completely out of inertia reel or lap belt adjustment tongue.
- Inspect belt straps for dirt and, if necessary, wash with mild soap solution.
- If either of the following illustrated damage examples (1 and 2) are determined on accident vehicle - replace seat belt assembly.
- If damage as shown in illustrations 1, 2 or 3 is determined on a non-accident vehicle, replace damaged belt only.

1 - Belt webbing cut, torn or chafed.

2 - Webbing loops on belt edge torn.

3 - Burn marks from cigarettes or similar.

Inertia Reel Locking Function, Checking
- Inertia reel has two locking functions.

- First locking function is initiated by belt being jerked out of reel (belt extraction acceleration).
- Pull belt out of inertia reel with firm jerk.
- No locking effect - replace seat belt assembly.
- If difficulties are experienced when pulling belt out or reeling belt in, first check whether position of inertia reel has been altered.

- Second locking function is initiated by change in vehicle movement sequence (vehicle-dependent locking function).
- Fasten seat belt.
- Accelerate vehicle to 32 mph and then emergency brake.
- If seat belt does not lock during braking procedure, the seat belt assembly must be replaced.

WARNING: For safety reasons, road test should be performed on traffic-free area to ensure that other motorist /pedestrians etc. are not endangered.

Belt Latch, Visual Check
- Inspect belt latch for cracks and breakage.
- If damage is determined, replace seat belt complete with belt latch.

Belt Latch - Functional Check
- Latch mechanism:
- Push locking tongue into belt latch until it engages audibly. Check whether locking mechanism is properly engaged by giving belt firm pull.
- If belt tongue fails even only once to engage properly in belt latch during at least 5 tests, replace seat belt complete with bell latch.

- Release Mechanism
- Release seat belt by pressing button on belt latch with finger pressure.
When belt is slack, locking tongue must spring out of belt latch on its own.
- Carry out test at least 5 times. If belt tongue fails even only once to spring out of latch, seat belt complete with belt latch must be replaced.

CAUTION: Under no circumstances whatsoever may lubricant be used to eliminate noise or stiffness at belt latch buttons.

Belt Guides And Locking Tongues, Checking
- Plastic-covered guides show, after strain on belt system (when belt was fastened during accident) fine parallel scoring. (Wear which has been brought about by frequent belt use can be recognized by smooth signs of wear which are free of scoring).
- Inspect for deformation, fracturing and cracks in plastic.
- If scoring and/or damage is determined, replace seat belt complete with belt latch.

Securing Parts And Anchorage Points, Checking
- Latch bracket deformed (stretched)
- Height adjustment mechanism not working
- Anchorage point (seat, pillar, vehicle floor) distorted or thread damaged
- If damage is determined on these parts, replace seat belt compete with belt latch.
- Replace anchorage points.

NOTE: In case of damage which is not result of an accident, but is caused instead by wear only the part which is actually damaged need be replaced.