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Compressor, Removing and Installing

Compressor - 6-cylinder Engine, Removing And Installing

Special tools, testers, measuring instruments and auxiliary items required

- Torque wrench (5 - 50 Nm)
- Bring front end assembly (lock carrier) into service position.

- Remove series resistance for radiator fan -2- from left longitudinal member -1-.
- Nut tightening torque: 8 Nm (71 in lb)
- Remove oil filter.

- Loosen coolant pipe securing bolts -arrows- on oil pan and remove coolant hoses from oil cooler.
- Bolt tightening torque: 10 Nm (69 in lb).

The cooling system is pressurized when the engine is warm. Wear gloves and other appropriate protection, slowly and carefully release system pressure (if necessary) before performing repairs.

- Remove oil cooler.

- Loosen nut -arrow- on bracket -1- for refrigerant hoses.
- Nut tightening torque: 8 Nm (71 in lb).
- Remove bolts for compressor, key number 5.
- Remove compressor from bracket, swing away downward (leave refrigerant hoses connected) and secure with wire See Fig. 1.
- When reinstalling compressor, note routing of ribbed drive belt See Fig. 2.

Fig. 1 Compressor, securing with wire

When removing the compressor from it's bracket without opening the refrigerant system, secure the compressor to the lower frame member with a suitable wire (e.g.: welding rod or similar) as illustrated.

Do not allow compressor to hang from refrigerant hoses unsupported.

Fig. 2 Ribbed belt, routing

1 - Generator (GEN)
2 - Ribbed belt
3 - Power steering pump
4 - Viscous fan
5 - A/C compressor
6 - Crankshaft pulley
7 - Tensioner pulley