Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Fuel Gauge: Service and Repair

Adaptation (function 10)
Using the adaptation function, the following changes can be made and saved.
- Adaptation of Service Reminder Indicator (SRI)
- Adaptation of odometer for replacement of instrument cluster
- Resetting Service Reminder indicator (SRI)
- Adaptation of fuel gauge
- Correcting fuel consumption indicator
- Coding of language version for indicator unit for navigation (only for Midline and Highline instrument clusters)
- Coding of diagnostic interface for CAN-bus

Individual functions are called up by entering the appropriate adaptation channel numbers (listed in the adaptation table).

Adaptation table:

Adaptation channel Adaptation function
02 Resetting Service Reminder Indicator (SRI)
04 Language versions for driver instructions (only for Highline and Midline instrument clusters)
09 Adaptation of odometer
10 Service interval data for oil service (OIL) trip counter
11 Service interval data for inspection (INSP) - trip counter
12 Service interval data for inspection (INSP) - counter for time in 10 day intervals
30 Adaptation of fuel gauge
40 Service interval data - counter for distance travelled since last inspection
41 Service interval data counter for time since last inspection
42 Service interval data lower limit for distance travelled until inspection
43 Service interval data upper limit for distance travelled until inspection
44 Service interval data upper limit for time until inspection
45 Service interval data value for oil quality for flexible service intervals
46 Service interval data for total fuel consumption quantity in liters/cylinder, only for gas engines (transmitted by Engine Control Module -ECM-)
47 Service interval data for carbon quantity (only diesel engines, transmitted by Engine Control Module -ECM-)
48 Service interval data for oil wear (only diesel engines, transmitted by Engine Control Module -ECM-)

NOTE: After changing an adaptation value or ending an adaptation channel, "Adaptation " function 10 must be performed again before selecting another adaptation channel.

Service Reminder Indicator (SRI), resetting

NOTE: The Service Reminder Indicator (SRI) must be reset (adapted) for:
- vehicle release inspection
- every service

The Service Reminder Indicator (SRI) can be reset in two different ways:
- using the adjustment button for odometer and clock at instrument cluster

or, as described below,

- Using VAG 1551 Scan Tool (ST)
- Connect VAG 1551 Scan Tool (ST), select operating mode 1 "Rapid data transfer", switch ignition on and enter address word 17 for "instrument cluster".

After control module identification is displayed:

- Press -> button.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press buttons -1- and -0-. This selects "Adaptation", function 10.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer Q
10 - Adaptation

- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display:

Enter channel number XX

- Press buttons -0- and -2-.

The Service Reminder Indicator (SRI) is reset using adaptation channel 02.
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display:

Channel 2 adaptation 1 ->

- Press -> button.

The adaptation value in the upper line indicates the actual status of the Service Reminder Indicator (SRI):

0 - no service event active
7 - service event active
10 - "INSP" service event active
11 - "OIL" and "INSP" service event active

Indicated on display:

Channel 2 adaptation 1 ->
Enter adaptation value XXXXX

The service event indicated in the instrument cluster is reset following input of the adaptation value 00000.

- Entering '00000', resets the counters for the Service Reminder Indicator (SRI).
- The counters are also reset when the adaptation value is '0' and there aren't any pre-service warnings or service requirements.

- Enter adaptation value 00000.

Indicated on display:

Channel 2 adaptation 1 Q
Enter adaptation value 00000

- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display after entering adaptation value 00000:

Channel 2 adaptation 0 Q

- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display:

Channel 2 adaptation 0 Q
Store modified value?

- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display:

Channel 2 adaptation 0 ->
Modified value has been stored

- Press -> button.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press buttons -0- and -6-. This selects "End Output", function 06.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer Q
06 - End Output

- Press -Q- button to confirm input.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Enter address word XX

- Switch off ignition.

The Service Reminder Indicator (SRI) has been reset.