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Automatic Test Sequence

Automatic Test Sequence
The automatic test sequence checks all the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memories of the control modules.

Before selecting the transmission control module ("transmission electronics") perform the automatic test sequence. DTCs of other control modules can influence the transmission control module. This is especially valid on vehicles with data bus.
- Switch ignition on.

Indicated on display

V.A.G - On Board Diagnostic HELP
1 - Rapid data transfer 1)
2 - Blink code output 1)

1) Is displayed alternately
- Press key -1- for "Rapid data transfer" operating mode.
- Switch printer on with Print key (indicator lamp in key lights up).

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press key -0- twice; 00 to select "automatic test sequence" function.
- Confirm entry with Q key.
All control module identifications, together with entries which may be in the DTC memory, are displayed.
After test sequence, V.A.G 1551 returns to following start position:

Indicated on display

V.A.G - On Board Diagnostic HELP
1 - Rapid data transfer 1)
2 - Slink code output 1)

1) appears alternately

Select transmission control module
- Switch ignition on.
- Switch printer on with Print key (indicator lamp in key lights up).
- Press key 1 for "Rapid data transfer" mode.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Enter address word XX

- Press keys 0 and 2 to select address word "Transmission electronics".

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer Q
02 - Transmission electronics

- Confirm entry with key Q.

Indicated in display

09A927750 AGE Transmission 09A 0004
Coding 00000 WSC 00000

The control module identification, the coding and the dealership number of the V.A.G 1551 are displayed:

Example for control module identification
Depending upon build level (program level) the control module can indicate a different control module identification to that shown in the example. Allocation of control module.
- 09A 927 750: Part No.
- AG5 Transmission 09A: 5-speed automatic transmission 09A
- 0004: EPROM (program level)
- Coding 00000: is not required at present
- WSC 00000: V.A.G 1551 dealership number where last coding was performed

Indicated on display

Control module does not answer! HELP

- Press HELP key and a list of possible causes is printed out.
- Eliminate possible causes, again enter address word 02 for "transmission electronics" and confirm with Q key.

If "Control module does not answer!" again appears:

Indicated on display

Control module does not answer! HELP

- Check wiring connections to DLC.
- Check control module voltage supply.

See Perform test step 1, Electrical check. Pinout Values and Diagnostic Parameters

- DTC table, under DTC 65535 control module faulty! Transmission Control Systems
- Press -> key.

Indicated on display

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX