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With Manufacturer's Scan Tool

Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory, erasing and ending output

Note: All functions which could previously be performed V.A.G. 1551 can also be performed with the tester VAS 5051.

Test requirements:
- DTC memory checked.

1. Erasing DTC memory
- Press (arrow) key.

Indicated on display
- Press keys -0- and -5-; 05 enters "Erase DTC memory" function.

Indicated on display
- Confirm entry with Q key

Indicated on display
- Press (arrow) key.

Indicated on display

Indicated on display

Note: Adhere exactly to test sequence: First check DTC memory, then erase

2. Ending output
- Press keys -0- and -6-, to end output.

Indicated on display
- Confirm input with Q key.

Indicated on display
- Switch ignition off.
- Disconnect V.A.G 1551 Scan Tool at Data Link Connector (DLC).
- Switch ignition on.

ABS warning light -K47- and warning light for brake system -K118- must go out after approximately 2 seconds.