Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Allocating Radio Wave Remote Control Key to Memory Buttons

Allocating Radio Wave Remote Control Key To Memory Buttons

After storing the seat and mirror settings there is a 10 second period where the radio wave remote control key can be allocated to the appropriate memory button.

The number of the radio wave remote control key will be transferred from the convenience system central control unit via the CAN bus to the memory control unit.

- Pull the radio wave remote control key out of the ignition lock.
- Press the open button of the radio wave remote control key and hold it depressed for at least 1 second until an acoustic signal confirms the allocation.

The settings are stored under the selected memory button.

- If the remote control key was previously allocated to a different memory button, the old allocation will be erased.
- If the radio wave remote control key is allocated to a memory button to which another key is already allocated, the old allocation will also in this case be erased.
- The allocation of a radio wave remote control key to a memory button will be retained even when new seat and mirror settings are stored on this button.
- When the vehicle battery is disconnected all allocations for radio wave remote control keys to the memory buttons will be erased.
- For future versions of the control unit this data will be retained even when the battery is disconnected.