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With Manufacturer Scan Tool

Check DTC Memory

NOTE: The vehicle system tester VAG 1552 can be used instead of the scan tool VAG 1551, however a print-out is not possible.

- Connecting scan tool, initiating On Board Diagnostic (OBD).
Refer to "Scan Tool Testing/Scan Tool Connecting and Initial Checks", under "Restraint Systems", Testing and Inspection
Convenience System, Initiating on Board Diagnostic (OBD)

- Switch on printer with Print button (warning lamp in button lights up).

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press keys -0- and -2- (the function "Check DTC memory" is entered with 02).

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer Q
02 - Check DTC memory

- Press Print key
- Confirm entry with the Q button.

The number of stored DTC's appears in the display.

X DTCs recognized!

The stored DTC's are displayed and printed out one after the other.

If a DTC is recognized:
- 1. Repair malfunction
- 2. Erase DTC memory (function 05).
- 3. Check DTC memory again (function 02.

- The DTCs printed out can be rectified with aid of DTC table. With Power Windows
- The function "Read Measuring Value Block" and Display group overview are additional aids.
Evaluating Measured Value Blocks

The measured value block is divided into 15 display group numbers. The assignment of the individual display zones can be taken from the display group overview. Evaluating Measured Value Blocks

If "No DTC recognized" is displayed the program will return to the initial position after pressing the -> button.

No DTC recognized! ->

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

If something else is displayed:
- Press keys -0- and -6- to end the output.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer Q
06 End output

- Confirm entry with the Q button.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Enter address word XX

- Switch off ignition.
- Disconnect connector to scan tool VAG 1551.