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Electronic Control Units

Electronic Control Units

Connect the ground (GND) connection of the electric welding appliance directly to the part to be welded. When doing this, make sure that no electrically insulated parts are between the ground (GND) connection and the welding point.

Do not allow the ground (GND) connection or the welding electrode to touch the electronic control units and electrical wiring.

Procedure for Electronic Control Units after Accident Repairs

It is only necessary to install new electronic control units after an accident where at least one of the following conditions is present:

The housing is obviously deformed or damaged.

The support surface or bracket is deformed; there is no visible external damage to the unit itself.

The connector is damaged or corroded.

The functional check or the unit self-diagnosis procedure indicates the fault "Control unit defective".

When electronic components, e.g. ABS control module, have been removed for the purpose of making repairs and are then reused, perform a functional check after installing as described in the existing technical literature, e.g. V.A.G self-diagnosis procedure.