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ABS/EDL/ASR/ESP Bosch 5.3 As of Model Year 2001

ABS/EDL/ASR/ESP Bosch 5.3 as of model year 2001

1 - ABS hydraulic unit N55

2 - Hydraulic pump for traction control V156

3 - Brake system vacuum pump V192

4 - Brake booster pressure sensor G294

5 - ABS control module J104 for ABS/EDL/ASR and ESP

6 - ASR/ESP Control Lamp K155

7 - ABS warning lamp K47

8 - Brake System Warning Lamp K118

9 - Transverse Acceleration Sensor G200 and Rotation Rate Sensor G202

10 - Steering angle sensor G85

11 - Data Link Connector (DLC)

12 - Brake light switch F and Brake Pedal Switch F47

13 - Impulse wheel for left and right front wheel speed sensor

14 - Right front ABS wheel speed sensor G45 / Left front ABS wheel speed sensor G47

15 - Impulse wheel for left and right rear speed sensor (All Wheel Drive (AWD) shown)

16 - Right rear ABS wheel speed sensor G44 / Left rear ABS wheel speed sensor G46 (All Wheel Drive (AWD) shown)