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Laws and Regulations

Laws And Regulations

NOTE: The laws and regulations listed below are applicable in Germany. Different or additional laws and regulations may apply in other countries.

Laws And Regulations

8 Operation, maintenance, shutdown, obligation to accept return

1. With regard to operation, repair and shutdown of items containing refrigerants as defined in 33, it is prohibited to contravene the state of the art by allowing the substances they contain to escape into the atmosphere.

A record must be kept of the quantities used during operation and maintenance (refrigerant log, refer to Environmental Protection Vol. 2-2. 43.2) and presented to the relevant authorities on request.

2. Distributors of the substances and preparations listed in 1 Para. 1 and 2 are obliged to accept the return of such substances and preparations after use or to appoint a third party to accept return of these.

3. The maintenance and shutdown of items containing refrigerants as defined in 3, as well as acceptance of return of the substances and preparations listed in 1 Para. 1 and 2 may only be undertaken by persons with the necessary expert knowledge and technical equipment.

9 Criminal offenses and infringements of the law

3. An infringement of the law in terms of 26 Para. 1 No. 7 of the Law on Chemicals is constituted by willful or negligent contravention of 8 Para. 1 Clause 1 during operation, maintenance or shutdown of items containing refrigerants as defined in 3 by allowing substances contained in these to escape into the atmosphere contrary to the state of the art, or by willful or negligent contravention of the obligation to keep records as defined by 8 Para. 1 Clause 2.

TRG (technical regulations for compressed gases) 400,401,402
Only excerpts concerning vehicle manufacturers and workshops are listed below.

TRG 400 (general regulations for charging systems)
2. Definition of terms and explanatory notes 2.1 Charging systems

2.1.1 Charging systems are systems for filling mobile compressed-gas vessels. The charging system includes the premises and facilities concerned.

2.4 Charging systems requiring a permit

Charging systems requiring a permit are ones used to transfer compressed gases to mobile compressed-gas vessels for supplying to third parties.

5 Charging systems not requiring a permit are ones used for transferring compressed gases to mobile compressed-gas vessels for internal use only.

TRG 401 (installation of charging systems)
Does not apply to vehicle manufacturers or workshops.

TRG 402 (operation of charging systems)
2. Employees and employee instruction

2.1 Charging systems are only to be operated and maintained by personnel
- Aged 18 and above
- Possessing the necessary technical knowledge
- Who can be relied on to work diligently

2.2 Supervised work may also be performed by personnel not satisfying the requirements stipulated in item 2.1, points 1 and 2.

2.3 Employees are to be given instruction on the following topics before beginning work and at regular, appropriate intervals, however at least once a year:
- Hazards specifically associated with handling compressed gases
- Safety regulations, particularly the applicable TRG
- Procedures in the event of malfunction, damage and accidents
- The use of fire-extinguishing and protective equipment
- Operation and maintenance of the charging system on the basis of the instructions for use.

Charging (a separate TRG applies to vessels from other countries and their charging)
1. A compressed-gas vessel is only to be filled with the compressed gas declared on it and the quantity must comply with the stipulated pressure, weight or volume data (refer to g15, Para. 2, pressure vessel regulations).
2. In the case of vessels approved for use with several types of compressed gas, the compressed gas with which it is to be filled and - if the compressed gas has a tc ≥ -10 degrees C (tc = critical temperature) - the maximum permissible charging weight in line with TRG 104 No. 3.3 must be marked on the vessel prior to connection for filling.
3. Compressed-gas vessels marked with the maximum permissible charge pressure in bar at 15 degrees C must be filled manometrically. If, at the time of filling, the temperature is not 15 degrees C, the pressure corresponding to the prevailing temperature must be established; it must be ensured that the permissible charge pressure at 15 degrees C is not exceeded in the compressed- gas vessel. The charged vessels are to be checked by way of random pressure measurements to determine possible overfilling.
4. Compressed-gas vessels on which the maximum permissible capacity is indicated by the net weight (filling weight, permissible weight of fill) in kilograms must be filled gravimetrically. The vessels are to be weighed during filling and subsequently subjected to a weight check on special scales to establish possible overfilling. Scales used for this purpose must be calibrated.
5. Under certain conditions, gases with a tc ≥ +70 degrees C may be transferred volumetrically from compressed-gas vessels with a maximum volume of 150 I to compressed-gas vessels with a volume of max. 1000 ccm. The stipulations of the TRG apply to the transfer of liquefied gas to cylinders used by workmen.
6. Vessels in vehicles for
1. Gases with tc ≥ +70 degrees C (refer to TRG 101 Annex 3)
2. Industrial gas mixtures with tc ≥ +70 degrees C (refer to TRG 102 Annex 1 Groups 3) or
Liquefied extremely low-temperature compressed gases (refer to TRG 103) may, contrary to item 4, be filled volumetrically if the charging system and/or the vessels is/are equipped with devices for measuring or limiting the volume of the charge and with the exception of motor vehicle vessels as per item 3 for measuring the temperature of the charge. When filling volumetrically, it must be ensured that the permissible charge weight indicated on the vessel is not exceeded. To determine possible overfilling, the filled containers are to be checked gravimetrically on a calibrated scale or provided that the pressurized gases are not highly toxic volumetrically. Volumetric checking requires the use of appropriate equipment with completely separate charging and checking devices.

7. Charging and check measurements are to be performed by different people. Check measurements must be performed immediately upon completion of the filling process.
8. Overfilled vessels must be drained immediately and in a safe manner until the permissible fill is attained. The compressed-gas fill is then to be determined again.
9. Items 4 to 7 do not apply to vessels for liquefied, extremely low-temperature compressed gases which are neither flammable nor toxic; this does not affect the provisions of road traffic legislation.
10. When filling compressed gas vessels with liquefied gases at charging temperatures ≥ -20 degrees C, the compressed gas vessel (if the vessel material has not been tested for temperatures ≥ -20 degrees C) is not to be released from the charging system for transportation until the vessel wall temperature is ≥ +20 degrees C.

Recycling and refuse law

Converting R12 refrigerant circuit to R134a refrigerant circuit and servicing (retrofit)

- For environmental reasons and on account of the corresponding legislation, refrigerant R12 can no longer be manufactured or supplied. Refrigerant R134a has been developed as a replacement for R12.
- Air conditioning systems developed and designed for refrigerant R12 cannot however simply be charged with refrigerant R134a. To ensure trouble-free operation of the air conditioning system even after conversion, various components of the refrigerant circuit must be replaced.
- A precise description of the conversion procedure and information on the servicing of converted refrigerant circuits can be found in Repair Manual: Air conditioner with refrigerant R12 Parts 2 and 3.

Keeping refrigerant records
The environmental statistics law requires records to be kept on the use of refrigerants.

Consequently, motor vehicle workshops may well have to provide the relevant local authorities with information on their use of refrigerant. It is therefore advisable to keep records HSO Environment.