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Output Diagnostic Test Mode, Performing

Output Diagnostic Test Mode, performing, 01V, 5 SPD. A/T (OBD)
A differentiation is made between two types of transmissions:
^ Transmission with hydraulic regulation -E17-, on which the transmission input speed sensor (inductive sensor) is secured to the underside of the valve body.
^ Transmission with hydraulic regulation -E18/2-, on which the transmission input speed sensor (camshaft position sensor) is secured behind valve body at transmission housing.

Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM) for transmission with hydraulic regulation E17 Transmission With Hydraulic Regulation -E17-, Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM)

Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM) for transmission with hydraulic regulation E18/2 Transmission With Hydraulic Regulation -E18/2-, Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM)