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Scan Tool V.A.G 1551, Connecting and Selecting Functions

Scan tool V.A.G 1551, connecting and selecting functions, 01V, 5 SPD. A/T (OBD)

Note: All functions which could previously be performed with V.A.G. 1551 can also be performed with the new tester VAS 5051.

Work sequence

- With ignition switched off, connect scan tool V.A.G. 1551 using diagnosis cable V.A.G. 1551/3.

Location: The Data Link Connector (DLC) is located under drivers knee bar to left of steering wheel.

- Connect VAS 5051.

Indicated on display 1)

1) Operating modes 1 and 2 are displayed alternately

^ Additional operating instructions can be retrieved by pressing the HELP key of V.A.G 1551.
^ The -> key is used for advancing within the program sequence.
^ An automatic check (keys 00) can be carried out in the operating mode 1 "Rapid data transfer". Then all vehicle control modules will be checked automatically.

Go to Scan tool V.A.G 1551 operating instructions.
- Switch on ignition.
- Depress brake pedal once.
- Switch on printer with the Print key (indicator lamp in key lights up).
- Press key 1 for "Rapid data transfer" mode.

Indicated on display:
^ Press keys 0 and 2. (Enter the address word "transmission electronics" with 02.)

Indicated on display:
^ Confirm entry with key Q.

Appears on display:
The control module identification, the coding and the dealership number of the V.A.G 1551 are displayed:

Control module identification
Depending upon build level (program level) the control module can indicate a different control module identification, to that shown in the example. Allocation of control module.
^ 8D0927156: Part number
^ AG5 01V: 5-speed automatic transmission 01V
^ 1.8l5VT: Engine version (1.8 ltr. 5 valve Turbo)
^ RofW: Rest of the World (country allocation)
^ D63: EPROM (program level)
^ Coding 00000: is not required at present.
^ WSC 00000: V.A.G 1551 dealership number with which the last coding was performed.

Indicated on display:
^ By pressing HELP key, a list of possible fault causes is printed out.
^ After eliminating possible causes of faults, again enter address word 02 for "transmission electronics" and confirm.

If "Control module does not answer!" again appears:

Indicated on display:
Check control module voltage supply.
^ Perform test steps 1 and 8.
^ Check wiring connections to diagnostic sockets
^ Check DTC table under fault code 65535 control module faulty!
^ Press -> key.

Indicated on display:
^ After HELP key is pressed, a list of possible functions is printed out.