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Tightening Torques

Tightening torques:

Cylinder Head

Insert NEW cylinder head bolts and tighten by hand

Tighten cylinder head bolts in tightening sequence as follows:
Tighten all bolts 60 Nm
Tighten all bolts 1/4 turn (90°) further using a rigid wrench.
Afterward, tighten all bolts another 1/4 turn (90°) further.

Camshaft Bearing Cap

Install bearing caps - 2 - and - 4 - for both camshafts according to markings.
Fasten caps alternating diagonally and then tighten them to 10 Nm (pay attention to alignment pins).

Install both bearing caps - 1 - on chain sprockets of intake and exhaust camshafts.

Both markings on camshafts must be aligned with both arrows on bearing caps - arrows -.

Install bearing caps - 0 -, - 3 - and - 5 - and tighten to 10 Nm (pay attention to alignment pins).

Main Bearing Cap
Tighten to 60 Nm plus 1/4 turn (90°)
Tighten to 60 Nm to measure radial play, do not turn further

Tightening Torque 60 Nm plus 1/2 turn (180°)

Drive Plate
Tightening Torque 60 Nm plus 1/4 turn (90°) Turning further may be performed in several steps.

Vibration Damper
Vibration damper/belt pulley 25 Nm

Rod bearing
Connecting rod bolt 30 Nm plus 1/4 turn (90°)

Oil Pump
Fasten sealing flange bolts in a diagonal sequence to 10 Nm.

Water Pump

Tightening torque 10 Nm