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Read Measuring Value Block

Transmission with hydraulic regulation -E18/2-, Read Measuring Value Block, 01V, 5 SPD. A/T (OBD)

Test sequence
- Connect scan tool V.A.G 1551 and enter address word "02 Transmission electronics" and advance until "Select function XX" indicated on display.

Indicated on display:
- Press keys 0 and 8. (function "Read measured value block" is selected with 08.)

Indicated on display:
- Confirm entry with key Q.

Indicated on display:
- Enter display group number, go to List of selectable display group numbers. List of Selectable Display Group Numbers
- Confirm entry with key Q.

There are always 4 display zones in the measured value block (if necessary in physical quantities). Decoding the individual values in display zones 1 to 4.