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Battery Static Voltage, Vehicles in Storage, Checking

Battery Static Voltage, Vehicles in Storage, Checking

Risk of injury. Observe warning notes and safety precautions. Refer to --> [ Battery Safety Precautions ] Battery Safety Precautions!

The static voltage may only be measured on vehicles in storage within the scope of the prescribed maintenance and care work as an assessment criterion for the battery condition.

The static voltage test serves to determine whether it is necessary to charge the battery on vehicles in storage --> Maintenance tables"Service for vehicles in storage"

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Hand-Held Multimeter (V.A.G 1526 B)

Test Conditions

The battery may be either charged or discharged for at least 2 days.

- Measure no load voltage of battery with the Hand-Held Multimeter (V.A.G 1526 B).