Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Installation Information

Installation Information

The surfaces of the components to be primed must be free of dirt.

- Remove adhesive residue using adhesive removal solution (D 002 000 10).

- Saturate a cloth with silicone remover (LSE 020 100 A3).

- Always wipe application area for adhesive bead twice using saturated cloth and allow to air dry.

- Now apply primer uniformly in one stroke using applicator (D 009 500 25).

Drying time is approximately 10 minutes

- Adhesive material must be applied to the primed surfaces of the component.

Components must be installed within 10 minutes, otherwise bonding properties of adhesive will be impaired.

Keep gap dimensions as narrow as possible, approx. 1 mm.

Secure components using adhesive tape during curing time.