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Malfunction Test 3

Fig. 6 Checking for voltage at terminal 8:

Fig. 7 Checking wire between terminal 16 & ground:

Fig. 8 Checking wire between terminal 5 & ground:

1. Ensure that the two ground wires for the electronic control module are properly grounded on intake manifold.
2. With ignition switch in ``Off'' position, disconnect electrical connector at electronic control module.
3. Turn ignition switch to ``On'' position.
4. Connect voltmeter between terminal 8 and ground, Fig. 6. If there is voltage, proceed to step 5. If not, perform ``Malfunction Test 5.''
5. Connect voltmeter between terminals 8 and 16, Fig. 7. If there is voltage, proceed to step 6. If there is no voltage, repair wire from terminal 16 to ground.
6. Connect voltmeter to terminals 5 and 8, Fig. 8. If voltmeter reads battery voltage, replace electronic control module.
7. Turn ignition switch to ``Off'' position, then connect electrical connector at electronic control module.
8. Perform ``System Test.''