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B4-9: Start Injector

Start injector

Operations B4-9


Remove the start injector from the intake manifold
Inhex 5 mm.
engines: reconnect the earth/ground lead and one of the retaining screws otherwise the fuel pump cannot be operated.


Check the start injector and thermal time switch

Turbo 1982-: withdraw the connector from the impulse relay.

Connect the injector to a piece of transparent plastic hose. Hold the end of the hose upwards. (Hose inner diameter 7-8 mm = 0.28-0.32 in, length 0.5 m = 16 in.

Crank the starter motor and observe the injector.

The injector should spray fuel when the starter motor it cranked. The injection time, depends Os the engine temperature (see diagram).

Turbo 1982-: connect the plug to the impulse relay. The impulse relay may have been fitted to some 1981 Turbos.

Injection not interrupted: withdraw the connector from the start injector. If injection is interrupted, then the thermal time switch is faulty. If injection it still not interrupted, the start injector is faulty.

Incorrect injection time: test with a new thermal time switch.

No injection: Proceed to B52 B52-53: From B5: No Fuel Injected From Start Injector


Check the impulse relay Turbo 1982- only (some 1981 models)
Withdraw the connector from the start injector and connect a test lamp.

Crank the engine with the Starter motor and observe the test lamp.

The bulb should glow after approx. 1.5 sec. To be followed by injection (glow). 0.1 sec. - pause (off) 0.3 sec.

Reconnect the impulse relay.

Incorrect timing: test with a new impulse relay.

Bulb does not glow: defective relay or open circuit.

Start the fuel pump

Place hand on the fuel filter to check that the pump is operating.

1975-1977: withdraw the connector from the airflow sensor.

1978-: connect test relay 517O.

Turn on the ignition, the fuel pump should start operating.

Does not start: check fuses, leads and relay. See wiring diagram


Ensure that the start injector does not leak
Max rate = 1 drop per minute.
If greater, replace the injector.

Turn off the ignition. Refit the start injector