Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


- Use fixture P/N 5972 when removing/installing transmission.
- Wrench P/N 2779 = 11 mm flange bolts.
- Wrench P/N 2846 = 9/16" flange bolts.

1. Move selector lever to position 2
2. Remove:
- air filter (B27/28 only)
- kick-down cable from throttle pulley
- ground cable from battery.
3. Drain transmission oil. Disconnect oil filler tube from oil pan.

NOTE: Drain plug introduced in 1983.

WARNING: The transmission oil may be extremely hot if vehicle has just been driven.

4. Disconnect parts from transmission, refer to "Disconnecting Transmission" below. Leave one bolt in torque converter casing.
5. Align fixture P/N 5972 beneath transmission. Ensure heaviest part of transmission rests on center of fixture. Secure transmission with lock nuts.

6. Remove bolts from coupling flange. Turn engine with a screwdriver. (Remove bolts through starter motor aperture on B27, B28 and diesel.)

7. Lift down transmission.
- Remove screw left in torque converter casing.
- Pry torque converter back from coupling flange.

CAUTION: Do not tilt transmission forward otherwise torque converter may slide off shaft.

Disconnecting Transmission