Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Position fixture No. 2714 on a suitable jack, then position jack and fixture under rear axle assembly and raise rear of vehicle.
2. Place jack stands in front of rear jack supports, then slightly lower rear of vehicle and remove rear wheels.
3. Disconnect shock absorbers from upper mountings.
4. Disconnect brake lines from rear axle, then remove caliper retaining screws.
5. Use wire to hook calipers to top shock absorber supports to prevent brake lines from becoming damaged.
6. Remove brake discs, then remove parking brake shoes.
7. Press out pins attaching parking brake cables to levers.
8. Remove screws and pull out cable and hose with seals, then remove springs retaining parking brake cable to rear axle.
9. Disconnect propeller shaft at pinion flange.
10. Disconnect track rod from body bracket.
11. Disconnect springs from trailing arms, then lower rear axle and remove springs.
12. Remove screws retaining rear axle and remove rear axle assembly from vehicle.