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Cruise Control: Description and Operation

1980 - 1985 Cruise control

An electronic sender (speed pickup coil) attached to the speedometer provides speed reading. Previously, the speed indicator was a centrifugal type driven by the speedometer cable.

The control system on the turn signal lever is the same. Refer to the following pages for description, operating instructions, wiring diagram, as well as fault tracing and adjusting instructions.

Component description

A. Cruise control switch/turn signal lever

B. Speed pickup coil in speedometer
Senses the speedometer revolutions and sends a signal to the system control unit and governor.

C. Governor
Receives the signals from the speed pickup coil in the speedometer and monitors any change in speed. The governor controls the throttle actuator motor to maintain the set speed.

D. Throttle actuator
Changes throttle position to maintain a constant speed. Throttle actuator is controlled by the governor.

E. Clutch switch and brake switch
F. Clutch switch and brake switch
Interrupts system operation when clutch pedal or brake pedal are operated. Set speed can be resumed by operating RESUME switch on the turn signal lever.

There are two additional safety items: a retard switch and a vacuum valve. These will cut out the cruise control system if the brake switch does not function.

G. Retard switch
Cuts out the cruise control system when the brakes are applied beyond a certain pressure.

H. Vacuum valve
Will open when the brake pedal is depressed. The vacuum of the throttle actuator is opened to atmospheric pressure causing the throttle actuator to become inoperative, applying no force on the throttle cable.