Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

System Test

If vehicle exhibits starting difficulties with engine at normal operating temperature, erratic idle, poor performance in lower speed ranges, or poor mileage, Oxygen Sensor Feedback system may be at fault. If frequency valve buzzes, something other than oxygen sensor feedback system is probably at fault. Extremely high or low CO readings may also indicate a fault in this system. If oxygen sensor feedback system is suspected of being at fault, the system test should be performed.
1. Connect suitable CO meter to test connection in front of catalytic converter.
2. Connect suitable dwell meter to system test connection located adjacent to brake master cylinder.
3. Disconnect electrical connector at oxygen sensor, then start engine.
4. If dwell meter reading is not 49-59°, perform ``Malfunction Test 1.''
5. Run engine until it reaches normal operating temperature, then set idle speed to 900 RPM on vehicles equipped with manual transmission, or 800 RPM on vehicles equipped with automatic transmission.
6. Check CO reading. If CO reading is not 1-2.5%, adjust as necessary.
7. If CO does not drop below 1%, perform ``Malfunction Test 6.''
8. If dwell meter reading is not slightly lower than reading obtained in step 4, perform ``Malfunction Test 6.''
9. Set idle speed to 900 RPM.
10. Turn off engine, then disconnect all instruments.