Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

I.Goodwill Philosophy

Volvo customers have high expectations of our products and your service. Meeting those expectations contributes to customer satisfaction and owner loyalty.

Occasionally, a situation arises where the customer's expectations are not met. Should this occur, care, attention, and good judgment must be applied to regain the customer's confidence in Volvo and to keep his business.

Caring is the most important aspect of goodwill. If there is nothing wrong with a car, or if normal wear has contributed to the condition causing concern to the customer, take the time to fully explain the situation. If on the other hand, financial assistance is appropriate to correct a problem, make the decision promptly and fairly.

If financial assistance for repair is provided, it is important to explain to the customer that it is a gesture of goodwill. It is intended to regain his confidence in the product and continued business. Goodwill is not the same as warranty obligations. Without this understanding the full value of goodwill is not achieved.