Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

After Repairs Test Drive


NOTE: This vehicle may be equipped with an optional electric cooling fan.

IMPORTANT: Prior to driving the vehicle, verify:
- The thermostat and cooling fan are operating.
- There are no coolant leaks.
- The cooling system is properly filled and vented.

Operate the vehicle in both stop-and-go and highway driving conditions and verify the following:
- Coolant temperature gauge remains within the normal band, or warning light does not energize.
- Cooling fans energize when needed, but do not run continuously.

NOTE: Cooling fans may run continuously when operating the A/C.

- There are no abnormal drive belt sounds (chirping, squealing).
- Cooling system does not leak.

After the test drive, allow the engine to cool down, then top off the radiator and fill the coolant reservoir to the "Cold" level.

WARNING: Never remove the radiator cap, or disconnect a coolant hose on a warm engine. A warm cooling system may contain a large amount of stored energy in the form of steam and high pressure, which could cause serious personal injury.