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Engine Lubrication: Testing and Inspection


- Grade, quality and viscosity of engine oil must be as specified.
- New oil filter must be fitted.
- Engine must be warm.

Check oil pressure

Connect oil pressure gauge 5270 (using adapter 5273) to connection for oil pressure sender.

For Turbo engines, use nipple 16218-0 (E) and connect at rear end of cylinder head.
NOTE: Reading will be approx 10% lower than at oil pressure sender.

Apply thread locking compound (P/N 1161075-5) on plug prior to reinstalling.

Oil pressure at 33 r/s (2000 rpm) should be 250-600 kPa (35.6-85.3 psi).

In Case of Incorrect Values, Check:
- oil level
- oil leakages
- relief valve in oil pump
- for oil dilution