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1986- Tubular and 1987- Lever Type -- T16

Fuel lever sensor, adjustment T16
1986- Tubular type
1987- Lever type

Before undertaking adjustment, fault tracing should be carried out on fuel gauge and fuel level sensor.

To carry out adjustment, use service kit P/N 1 398 171-7, which contains a potentiometer with necessary leads and sockets together with a connector with an in-circuit resistor.

1. Connect resistor:
- Remove battery negative lead.

- Unplug the 3-pole connector between gauge and sensor in trunk.
- Connect the connector with resistor to the gauge leads, as shown in illustration.

2. Connect potentiometer:
- Cut off the gray-white lead with the 7-pole connector on the instrument panel.
- Strip and twist the ends of the leads.
- Connect potentiometer by means of the sockets. See illustration.

3. Check reading:
- Reconnect battery negative lead and turn on ignition without starting engine.
- Take reading. Pointer should be just touching the red area.
- If reading is correct, proceed to step 5.

4. Adjusting:
- Turn off ignition and disconnect battery negative lead.
Adjust the potentiometer. It should show max. resistance of 33 ohms initially.
Reduce resistance by turning clockwise.
- Check reading as per step 3.

5. Locking potentiometer:
- Remove battery negative lead.
- Lock potentiometer by placing a drop of varnish on it. Use a touch-up brush.
- Wind Insulating tape around the potentiometer so it is protected against shorting.

6. Remove resistor:
- Remove connector and resistor from gauge connector in trunk.
- Plug in connector between gauge and sensor again.
- Reconnect battery.

The connector with resistor can be retained for use on other cars with the same fault.