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Type 1031 and 1041 (Later Design)

Information applies to 1989 and later manuafctured Type 1031 and 1041 rear axles.

A new version of rear axle 1031, with a housing approx. 2 kg. lighter, was introduced on 1989 models, this replaces the earlier 1030 and 1031 types, which have been discontinued completely.

Inspection Cover
The new rear axle is fitted with an aluminium inspection cover, while the oil filler plug is of a new design.

The joint between the cover and housing is sealed by a gasket.

New Pick-Up
The new speedometer pick-up was introduced at the same time as the new cover.

The pick-up is the same on cars with and without Antilock Brake System (ABS), and on models with multilink rear suspension.

The pick-up is fixed inthe cover and cannot be adjusted.

New Toothed Wheel For Speedometer/ABS Systems
A toothed wheel with 48 rather than 96 teeth is used with the new pick-up. in a later version the wheel is made of sintered steel.

New Cover And Filter
The new cover with a filter has been introduced on models from 1991 on, eliminating oil changing as a service measure. the oil capacity has also been increased by 1.5 dl (0.15 US qt).