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Electrical - Battery Current Consumption And RDAR

Title Battery current consumption and RDAR

Ref No: US25590.1.1 en-US

Issuer -

Partner 3 US 7510 Volvo Cars North America

Func Group: 3117

Func Desc: Battery, general

Status Released

Status Date 12-09-2011

Issue Date 12-02-2011



Vehicle Type

CSC = Customer Symptom Codes

DTC = Diagnostic Trouble Codes

CSC = Customer Symptom Code
CCA = Cold Cranking Amps

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It has come to our attention that there is an increasing replacement rate of Sirius control units (RDAR) due to high quiescent current. Reports have been submitted stating that a value of 30 to 70 milliamperes is causing a flat battery within a time frame anywhere from overnight to several days.

Although the value above could be a contributor in a drained battery over extended periods, it is important to understand how a small current drain of for example, 50 milliamperes (0.050 amperes), will affect a healthy automotive battery.

Volvo original equipment batteries are rated at a capacity of 60 ampere hours for the 600CCA battery and 80 ampere hours for the 700CCA battery. In the simplest of terms, a 1.0 ampere drain would take 50 hours to drain a 50 amp hour battery. Therefore, if we use a 50 milliamp (0.050 amp) drain as an example for a 80 amp hour capacity battery, it would take 1600 hours (66.6 days) to completely drain the battery.

80 amp hour batt capacity divided by 0.050 amp drain = 1600 hours

The above example is given the battery has not had any charge applied to it and has remained static for 66 days.


Although 70 mA is out of specification for the complete vehicle current consumption, it is not enough to drain the battery in a few days.

Do NOT replace the RDAR as a repair for battery drainage if the RDAR current consumption is less than 100 milliamp unless the customer reports that the vehicle is not used for extended periods.